

Connected Global Citizen

Community Service & Academic Contribution

Intellectual Property

Publications & Speaking Engagements

"Transforming Healthcare with a Patient Centered Approach" Podcast Karen Ja CA 2024 ðŸ”ˆ
"Using AI to Redefine Voter File Segmentation" Published in Menlo Park, CA 2024 ðŸ”ˆ
"Augmenting AI with Decision Intelligence" SDP Annual Conference Arlington, VA 2024" 
"Groundbreaking Innovations in AI" MIT AI Conference: Tech Business Ethics, Cambridge, MA 2024 🎦
"Transforming AI with Decision Intelligence" Published in Menlo Park, CA 2024 ðŸŽ¦
"Accelerating Business with Augmented AI" SDP Online Conference: Decision Intelligence Confronts AI , CA 2023
"Tradeoff Technology in eCommerce" MIT AI Conference: AI & Autonomy, Cambridge, MA 2023 ðŸŽ¦
"Privacy in eCommerce" MIT Conference Cambridge, MA 2022 ðŸŽ¦
"Decision under Uncertainty" Published in Menlo Park, CA 2020
"Artificial Intelligence: Mimic the way we think" Published in - 2018
"Reducing The Uncertainty Around Ownership of IP Rights" IP LES Global News, CA -2015
"IP Strategy And The Perfect Storm" Book Published by Apple, CA 2015
"IP Impact on Product Design" Keynote at AngelBeat: Cloud Virtualization Mobility, Anaheim, CA - 2014
"Patent Infringement Risk Exposure Characterization" Published by LES Nouvelles, Palo Alto, CA - 2011
"Making Search Relevant" published online, Palo Alto, CA -2008 ðŸ“„
"Merits of a Multi-Criteria Reverse Auction" published online ,Washington, DC 2008 ðŸ“„
"Reverse Auction Adoption" Speaker at industry consortium by the White House's OMB, Washington, DC - 2008
"Oracle Systems Corporation" Paper published by Darden School of Business, Charlottesville, VA - 2008 ðŸ“„
"Tradeoff based Multi-criteria Decision Theory" Lecture at Boeing, Palo Alto, CA - 2007
"Tradeoff Based Search - Getting Relevant Results" Paper published online, Menlo Park, CA- 2007 ðŸ“„
"Turning Data into Knowledge, and Knowledge into Action" LMCO- MCES, Orlando, FL - 2005
"e-Commerce: Building an Integrated End-to-end Solution" Keynote speaker at access2000, Long Beach, CA - 2000
"Database Clustering" Paper presented to the Compaq User Group (Encompass), San Diego, CA - 1999
"Workflow Software in BPR Practices" Keynote speaker at Workflow Conference, Milan, Italy - 1995
"Workflow to Re-engineer Loan Processing" Keynote speaker at Conference, Quito, Ecuador - 1994
"State-of-the-art Data Access and RAD Tools" Paper presented to the Oracle User Group, Dubai, UAE - 1991
"Hyperlink Applications with Oracle" Paper presented at Oracle User Group, Albany, NY - 1990
"Detecting Underground Fluids Using Wave Propagation" Thesis at MIT , Cambridge, MA - 1987 

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